
Hello and Welcome to the Working Title Blog Spot!

We showcase work in a ‘quick reads’ format so you can fit it in during your coffee break. You might find flash fiction, reviews or character interviews. Sage advice, a limerick or an extract from a longer work.

So, if you are an indie author who would like to be ‘showcased’ get in touch – we’d love to hear from you!

We are co-authors of the Dai and Julia Mysteries – Whodunit tales set in an alternate world where the Roman Empire never left Britannia’s shores.

Jane Jago, a genre-hopping maniac, who could no more stop writing than she could stop breathing. Her current obsession is dragons. But who knows what next week will bring. For the full list of her published writings see HERE.

E.M. Swift-Hook, author of ‘Fortune’s Fools‘ series of books, whose favourite quote on writing is one Robert Heinlein put into the mouth of Lazarus Long: ‘Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwards.‘ Having tried a number of different careers, before settling in the North-East of England with family, three dogs, cats and a small flock of rescued chickens, she now spends a lot of time in private and has very clean hands.


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